
Season 2025/2

Division #1

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 4 1 Columbia Social Club #3 3521-29 Almond Street, Philadelphia 7 8 65 55 65 120
8 2 2 Columbia Social Club #9 3521-29 Almond Street, Philadelphia 4 11 71 49 71 120
8 1 3 Polonia #4 4431 Belgrade Street, Philadelphia 11 4 73 47 73 120
8 3 4 Polonia #11 4431 Belgrade Street, Philadelphia 8 7 69 51 69 120

Division #2

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 2 1 Blue Grass Billiards #1 9490 blue grass road, philadelphia 6 9 56 64 56 120
8 3 2 Oxley Post 133 #4 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 9 6 47 73 47 120
8 1 3 Point After #1 4250 Frankford Avnue, Philadelphia 9 6 58 62 58 120
8 4 4 Polonia #2 4431 Belgrade Street, Philadelphia 6 9 41 79 41 120

Division #3

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 5 1 Bob's Tavern #2 741 Bristol Pike, Bensalem 8 7 56 64 56 120
8 6 2 Celtic Cross Tavern #3 9041 ashton road, philadelphia 3 12 54 66 54 120
8 3 3 Crispin Tavern #2 2911 Holme Avenue, Philadelphia 4 11 63 57 63 120
8 4 4 Penny Gardens #1 3089 holme ave, phila 11 4 59 61 59 120
8 2 5 Polonia #1 4431 Belgrade Street, Philadelphia 12 3 64 56 64 120
8 1 6 VFW9220 #1 1236 lavender rd, bensalem 7 8 64 56 64 120

Division #4

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 2 1 Brickhouse Bar and Grill #3 3334 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia 10 5 64 56 64 120
8 4 2 Forrest Hill Ac #1 4622 Rhawn Street, Philadelphia 4 11 55 65 55 120
8 5 3 Henry James Saloon #1 577 jamestown ave, philadelphia 8 7 55 65 55 120
8 3 4 Oxley Post 133 #3 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 7 8 62 58 62 120
8 1 5 Polonia #5 4431 Belgrade Street, Philadelphia 11 4 75 45 75 120
8 6 6 Rauchuts #2 6501 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia 5 10 49 71 49 120

Division #5

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 1 1 Celtic Cross Tavern #4 9041 ashton road, philadelphia 9 6 71 49 71 120
8 2 2 Curran's Irish Inn #3 6900 State Road, Philadelphia 11 4 68 52 68 120
8 5 3 Curran's Irish Inn #2 6900 State Road, Philadelphia 8 7 51 69 51 120
8 3 4 Fibber McGee's Pub #1 2221 Bridge Street, Philadelphia 6 9 63 57 63 120
8 4 5 Polonia #9 4431 Belgrade Street, Philadelphia 7 8 59 61 59 120
8 6 6 Polonia #3 4431 Belgrade Street, Philadelphia 4 11 48 72 48 120

Division #6

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 1 1 Dalys Irish Pub #2 4201 comly street, philadelphia 4 11 71 49 71 120
8 3 2 Fraternal Order of Police #1 11630 caroline road, philadelphia 11 4 68 52 68 120
8 6 3 Out Of Wack Jacks #2 3156 Willits Road, Philadelphia 8 7 43 77 43 120
8 4 4 Oxley Post 133 #9 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 7 8 55 65 55 120
8 5 5 Ryan Pub #2 3200 Red Lion Rd, Philadelphia 7 8 55 65 55 120
8 2 6 VBA Boxing #3 2733 Clearfield St, Phila. 8 7 68 52 68 120

Division #7

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 6 1 Bob's Tavern #1 741 Bristol Pike, Bensalem 9 6 50 70 50 120
8 5 2 Curley's Pub #3 8929 Krewstown rd, philadelphia 6 9 55 65 55 120
8 2 3 Randis Restaurant #2 1619 Grant Ave, Phila 6 9 65 55 65 120
8 4 4 Rauchuts #1 6501 Frankford Ave, Philadelphia 9 6 62 58 62 120
8 3 5 Wissinoming Yacht Club #4 5200 Deveraux Avenue, Philadelphia 6 9 62 58 62 120
8 1 6 Wissinoming Yacht Club #8 5200 Deveraux Avenue, Philadelphia 9 6 66 54 66 120

Division #8

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 5 1 American Legion Post#810 #1 9151 old newtown road, philadelphia 8 7 50 70 50 120
8 3 2 BH Bar and Grill #2 3332 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia 11 4 68 52 68 120
8 1 3 Little Lit #1 3371 Edgemont Street, Philadelphia 7 8 74 46 74 120
8 2 4 Out Of Wack Jacks #1 3156 Willits Road, Philadelphia 8 7 72 48 72 120
8 6 5 Point After #3 4250 Frankford Avnue, Philadelphia 4 11 38 82 38 120
8 4 6 Ryan Pub #1 3200 Red Lion Rd, Philadelphia 7 8 58 62 58 120

Division #9

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 1 1 BH Bar and Grill #1 3332 Grant Avenue, Philadelphia 11 4 72 48 72 120
8 3 2 Celtic Cross Tavern #5 9041 ashton road, philadelphia 10 5 63 57 63 120
8 6 3 Fibber McGee's Pub #2 2221 Bridge Street, Philadelphia 5 10 45 75 45 120
8 4 4 McDuff's Tavern #1 3608 Rhawn St, Philadelphia 4 11 60 60 60 120
8 2 5 Out Of Wack Jacks #3 3156 Willits Road, Philadelphia 9 6 70 50 70 120
8 5 6 Union Tap #3 2711 comly road, philadelphia 6 9 50 70 50 120

Division #10

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 3 1 Celtic Cross Tavern #1 9041 ashton road, philadelphia 9 6 65 55 65 120
8 6 2 Curley's Pub #2 8929 Krewstown rd, philadelphia 6 9 42 78 42 120
8 2 3 Maggies Waterfront Cafe #5 9242 N Delaware Ave, Philadelphia 8 7 66 54 66 120
8 4 4 Oxley Post 133 #6 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 9 6 57 63 57 120
8 5 5 Oxley Post 133 #10 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 7 8 56 64 56 120
8 1 6 VBA Boxing #4 2733 Clearfield St, Phila. 6 9 74 46 74 120

Division #11

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 5 1 Blue Grass Billiards #6 9490 blue grass road, philadelphia 9 6 50 70 50 120
7 2 2 Celtic Cross Tavern #2 9041 ashton road, philadelphia 12 3 69 36 -1 68 105
8 6 3 Emerald Tavern #1 4690 Castor Avenue, Philadelphia 4 11 38 82 -3 35 120
8 3 4 Oxley Post 133 #2 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 11 4 61 59 -1 60 120
8 4 5 Oxley Post 133 #5 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 6 9 55 65 55 120
7 1 6 Wissinoming Yacht Club #3 5200 Deveraux Avenue, Philadelphia 7 8 72 33 -3 69 105

Division #12

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
5 6 1 Kensington Pub #1 2116 E Tioga St, Philadelphia 6 9 28 47 -2 26 75
7 1 2 Krick Wuder Tavern #1 2676 bridge street, philadelphia 7 8 66 39 -1 65 105
6 4 3 Oxley Post 133 #11 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 9 6 46 44 46 90
8 2 4 Oxley Post 133 #16 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 3 12 60 60 60 120
8 3 5 Rising Sun Post 2819 #2 6850 Martins Mill Road, Philadelphia 12 3 57 63 57 120
6 5 6 Wissinoming Yacht Club #1 5200 Deveraux Avenue, Philadelphia 9 6 43 47 -4 39 90

Division #13

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 1 1 AOH Division 87 #1 3524 thompson street, Philadelphia 7 8 74 46 74 120
8 5 2 Dalys Irish Pub #1 4201 comly street, philadelphia 9 6 52 68 52 120
8 2 3 Crispin Tavern #3 2911 Holme Avenue, Philadelphia 6 9 64 56 64 120
8 3 4 Curran’s Fox Chase #1 7968 Veree Road, Phila 8 7 62 58 62 120
8 6 5 Curran's Irish Inn #4 6900 State Road, Philadelphia 6 9 47 73 47 120
8 4 6 Oxley Post 133 #13 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 9 6 61 59 61 120

Division #14

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
7 6 1 American Legion Post#810 #3 9151 old newtown road, philadelphia 3 10 30 61 30 91
7 4 2 Curran's Irish Inn #6 6900 State Road, Philadelphia 7 6 43 48 43 91
8 2 3 McDuff's Tavern #4 3608 Rhawn St, Philadelphia 8 5 58 46 -1 57 104
8 1 4 Ozzie's Corner Tavern #1 2678 Lefevre Street, Philadelphia 5 8 60 44 60 104
7 5 5 Polonia #8 4431 Belgrade Street, Philadelphia 7 6 38 53 38 91
7 3 6 VBA Boxing #2 2733 Clearfield St, Phila. 6 7 57 34 -1 56 91

Division #15

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
8 3 1 American Legion Post#810 #10 9151 old newtown road, philadelphia 4 9 60 44 60 104
7 2 2 Avenuers N.Y.B. #1 1226 South Second St, Shiladelphia 6 7 61 30 61 91
7 5 3 Bridesburg Pub #1 4254 Richmond Street, Philadelphia 0 13 41 50 41 91
7 1 4 Cappys Cafe #1 6901 Frankford Ave., Philadelphia 13 0 69 22 -3 66 91
8 4 5 Curran’s Fox Chase #2 7968 Veree Road, Phila 9 4 55 49 -2 53 104
7 6 6 BYE #1 Address, City 0 13 0 91 0 91

Division #16

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
7 3 1 Crispin Tavern #5 2911 Holme Avenue, Philadelphia 8 7 52 53 52 105
7 2 2 Curran's Irish Inn #1 6900 State Road, Philadelphia 6 9 54 51 54 105
7 5 3 Krick Wuder Tavern #6 2676 bridge street, philadelphia 9 6 45 60 45 105
6 1 4 Oxley Post 133 #12 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 12 3 64 26 64 90
7 4 5 Ozzie's Corner Tavern #2 2678 Lefevre Street, Philadelphia 7 8 45 60 45 105
6 6 6 Rhawnhurst Cafe #1 8002 castoe ave, philadelphia 8 7 40 50 40 90

Division #17

Week # Rank Team # Name Address Last Match Totals Total Games
Wins Losses Wins Losses Penalties Total
6 6 1 Curran’s Fox Chase #3 7968 Veree Road, Phila 4 9 35 43 35 78
6 5 2 Oxley Post 133 #1 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 4 9 37 41 37 78
7 3 3 Oxley Post 133 #7 7900 Torresdale Avenue, Philadelphia 4 9 39 52 39 91
6 4 4 Polonia #7 4431 Belgrade Street, Philadelphia 6 7 38 40 38 78
7 1 5 Ryan Pub #3 3200 Red Lion Rd, Philadelphia 9 4 54 37 54 91
6 2 6 Tom's Pub #6 7026 Frankford Avenue, Philadelphia 7 6 44 34 44 78